Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I see a dentist?

The Canadian Dental Association (CDA) guidelines recommend visiting a dentist at least twice a year for a checkup and professional cleaning. Our office also recommends a minimum of two visits per year.

What should I expect during the appointment?

One of our staff members will compile your medical and dental history during your first visit. We will then examine your teeth and gums, screen you for oral cancer, make X-rays of your teeth as needed and complete a TMJ (temporomandibular or jaw joint) exam. After we review your dental profile, we will discuss a diagnosis with you. If treatment such as a root canal (endodontics), braces (orthodontics) or oral surgery is needed, we will plan to treat you in our office or refer you to a specialist. We will discuss your options for treatment and fee payment and help you determine the best plan to fit your needs.

What does “Sedation Dentistry” mean?

Sedation dentistry, as the name implies, is a technique used by a trained dentist to provide a relaxing and anxiety-free experience for people receiving dental treatment. A major benefit to the sedation technique is that people often feel the procedure lasts only a few minutes when in fact, it might have taken hours to perform. Most people rarely feel any discomfort after the procedure.

Can the dentist whiten my teeth?

Teeth whitening is the most commonly requested cosmetic dentistry procedure in our dental office and Greater Toronto. It’s designed to enhance your appearance by reducing tooth discolouration and staining to elicit a brighter, whiter smile. In general, there are couple of methods to whiten your teeth. They are either in-office or at home by you. While in-office whitening produces an immediate and often dramatic effect, many people appreciate at-home whitening for its flexibility and lower cost. For more detailed information in regards to whiten your teeth, please click here.

What if I have gap in my teeth, a chipped tooth or teeth that do not respond to normal bleaching methods?

Porcelain veneers are designed to look like your natural teeth and are individually and permanently attached to the fronts of your existing teeth. Bonding utilizes a composite material made of resin to fill in areas of your teeth and correct chipping and shape problems. Both porcelain veneers and bonding are color-matched to the rest of your teeth.

What if I have an dental emergency?

Please call our dental office as soon as you determine that you have a dental emergency. We will be glad to work you in to our schedule if you have a dental emergency during regular business hours. After hours, over the weekend and during holidays, please call our office for the doctors emergency contact number.

Why do I need to have an exam? Why can’t I just have my teeth cleaned?

A comprehensive examination is necessary in order to determine if there are potential tooth or gum problems that could cause you serious problems in the future. It is much better to treat problems early BEFORE they cause pain. Often times, the delayed detection and treatment result in more complicated and costly the treatment. Prevention and early treatment is the best course of action.

Why do I need X-rays?

Dental x-rays are crucial for providing information about areas that we can not see directly by a visual exam. X-Rays allow us to see decay forming under the gums and between the teeth. Often these areas are hidden from direct view. The x-rays also allow us to see tooth and gum infections by viewing the destruction of surrounding bone. At Woodbridge Vaughan Dental, we utilize latest digital X-ray. This system is beneficial to you because they use much less radiation compare to conventional X-ray system.

Why do my gums bleed?

The most common reason for bleeding gums is inflammation (gingivitis) which is caused by not brushing and flossing teeth effectively on a regular basis. This causes plaque to be left on the surface of your tooth along the gumline. Bleeding gums is your body’s natural reaction to the chronic presence of bacterial plaque. It is very important to have a professional evaluation of your mouth, as bleeding gums may indicate the possibility of gum disease (periodontitis).

Why do I need a crown after the root canal procedure?

Teeth that have had a root canal treatment are extremely brittle as they no longer have a nerve and blood supply. Often times, these same teeth have large fillings in them which also makes the remaining tooth structure weak and prone to breaking. However, the reverse is not true. Not all crowned teeth will need root canals.

Can I get a cavity on my crowned tooth?

YES! Although the crown itself can’t become decayed, the root surface below the edge of the crown can develop a cavity. To prevent this, it is crucial to brush and floss around the crown just as you would with your other teeth to removed any bacterial plaque that would cause decay.